Download The Announcements Documents
- 06.04.2023-Intimation under Reg.57(5)-Qtr Jan-March,23
- 07.04.2023-Half yearly ISIN Report, March,23
- Investor Complaints-March,23
- Resignation of CS _ Gluhend India _ 06.05.2023
- Reg.60 _ RD Interest _ 23.05.2023
- CS Appt _ Gluhend India _ 30.05.2023
- Reason for delay_ March 2023 _ 31.05.2023
- Reg 57(1) Payment of Interest _ 12.06.2023
- Reg 55 _ Intimation _ Credit Rating _ 17.06.2023
- Reg 50 _ Intimation of BM _ 20.06.2023.pdf
- Outcome of BM _ 23.06.2023
- Outcome of Adjourned BM _ 27.06.2023
- Reg 59 _ BSE Application _ GIPL _ 30.06.2023
- Reg 13 _ Investor Compliants Statement _ 30.06.2023
- Reg 55 _ Intimation _ Credit Rating _ 01.07.2023
- Reg 50 _ Intimation of BM _ 06.07.2023
- Outcome of BM _ 11.07.2023
- Reg 59 _ BSE Application
- Reg 51 _ 19.07.2023
- Reg 60 _ 19.07.2023
- Reg 60 _ Record Date _ 25.07.2023
- Reg 51 _ Int of Part Redmp _ 25.07.2023
- Reg 57 _ 03.08.2023
- Reg 57 _ 09.08.2023
- Reason for delay_ June 2023 _ 14.08.2023
- Reg 60 _ RD Interest _ 28.08.2023
- Intimation _ Withdrawal of Credit Rating _ 06.09.2023
- Proceedings of EGM _ 14.09.2023
- Resg and Appt _ ND _ 14.09.2023
- Reg 57 _ Payment of Interest _ 12.09.2023
- ISIN H.Y. Statement _ 30.09.2023
- Reason for delay_ Sept 2023 _ 14.11.2023
- Reg 60 _ RD Interest _ 24.11.2023
- Cessation and Appt _ 19.12.2023
- Proceedings of EGM _ 19.12.2023
- Reason for delay_ Dec 2023 _ 14.02.2024